First of all, as the name Redneck Rampage would suggest, the setting is outdoor rural America. What's new is the specifics of the game - they're very entertaining. Just as in or, the object is to run frantically through various settings picking off the bad elements before they pick you off, finding new weapons and power-ups along the way. GameplayThere really is nothing new in the approach Redneck Rampage takes to the first-person shooter. It's the Airplane! Of first-person shooters. And that's what you get in Redneck Rampage - a clever spoof of the genre. It's a fact that when a style - in movies, music, art, video games - has been done long enough that it has grown familiar, the final step is into satire. But the game itself doesn't do much to push the genre forward, doesn't do anything new to speak of.
#Redneck rampage remake free
In Redneck Rampage your mission is to free the back roads of the American Deep South, which, as Bubba and Skeeter indicated, have fallen into the clutches of some ugly green 'furriners' - aliens that is, lizard folk.From a story standpoint, Redneck represents a new twist on an aging genre - an infectious twist, too: I defy anyone to play Redneck Rampage for even a few minutes and not step away talking like Jed Clampett. You've seen shooters set in dungeons you've fought your way through city streets and the saloons of the Old West. So goes the simple premise of the off-color new first-person shooter, the creation of Xatrix Entertainment.

Seems them dang ole space aliens done landed on Buford's farm.' 'Hold onto yer butt, Skeeter, I'm openin' up a can o' whoopass on them boys!' This humorous rampage gives new meaning to the phrase 'Southern hospitality.' There are 14 levels to blast through, including Stanky's Bar & 'ill, a trailer park, and a mortuary. Several weapons, including bear traps, double-barreled shotguns, and dynamite, are available to help you battle these invaders.

#Redneck rampage remake windows
Some textures were redesigned from the ground up, some of them were remastered using neural networks and some were rendered in 3D (doors, windows etc). Higher quality textures ( focusing on those present in E1L1 - Taylor Town in the original)